Ep 5 - The World Record Episode
We start Episode 5 with the girls STILL talking about the ‘peck on the lips’ between Snez & Sam. Haha wait until they see the play back...
Ep 4 - The white rose Superhero date
Here’s my confession about Bachelor. I find it exciting and annoying. Exciting because I’m a hopeless romantic - I cheer when there is a...
Ep 3 - Hot air & row boats
We start with a little more insight about Sam, he wants to do backflips throughout his relationship, how awesome. We learn that he likes...
The problem with The Bachelor dates
Ok I’ll point out the obvious, I don’t think anybody should be going on a first date as extravagant as any of the bachelor dates. Firstly...
Ep 2 - Sail away with me
So he’s picked Sarah for the very first date, He has a sailing background, loving this man!! Wow keeling – a beautiful day in a...
Episode 1 - part 2 - The Cocktail Party
So onto the cocktail party, and Zilda is working the room, sussing out the girls thoughts on Sam. Good tactics…. Nina and Jasmin can...
Episode 1 - part 1 The Red Carpet
Intro first to Sam, bahaha the swimming shots and 6 pack – or was it 8, I couldn’t tell through the drooling, then the kids, heart...
Overview of Chanel 10 The Bachelor 2015
“Share everything with, make her as happy as she makes me.” ~ Sam Wood Introducing The 2015 Bachelor He is a honey and its seems that its...
What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind?
Just Released: Landmark Unprecedented 'Tell All' Interview Captures Some of World's Most Beautiful Women's Previously Confidential and...
That's Not How Men Work
What if you had a secret power over men? The kind of secret power that would make even the biggest player of all, change his ways...