Ep 3 - Hot air & row boats
We start with a little more insight about Sam, he wants to do backflips throughout his relationship, how awesome. We learn that he likes a decisive woman who will support, love and keep him on his toes.
This leads to a turn of events with Sam letting the girls decide who goes on the next solo date.
Strategies come into play and the vote leads to a draw between Sandra and Madeleine, to be honest both of which are in my bottom pile. Interesting. A re-vote has sweet Madeline getting to spend the day with Sam.
It starts with him taking her out in a rowboat onto an idyllic river with a waterfall. ‘It’s like the notebook’ says Madeline, all we need is the downpour and a passionate kiss. So mother nature grants her wish. It chucks it down and all she can talk about is her hair and make up, PLEASE stop. I counted around 6 comments about her hair and make up. Then she won’t eat in front of him. The lack of confidence is tragic. AND common, so many girls it seems lack the belief that they can be sexy and attractive with their makeup smudged and shoes dirty.
Allow yourselves to be real ladies! Perfect is tedious to be around.
As far as the conclusion of the date, the age gap and her insecurity has her return empty handed.
Emily was right the date didn’t land Madeline a rose.
Then the announcement of Sam’s next date is made with the title of Rise and Shine. Joni wonders if it’s a sleep over – the producers might get more of a Big Brother than Bachelor scene with that scenario. Great idea though!
Its Snezzana’s turn to have a single date – I didn’t think that would happen just yet (I was sure it was going to be Emily), but she has had a good connection so its not a complete surprise.
Emily comment’s to the camera that she’s not a patient person, Um that might get frustrating for you my friend given there are 14 ladies of which 11 others also to have yet to have their 1:1 date.
An incredibly early start (well in my opinion) to go for a date starting with a hot air balloon ride. Wow he noticed what she was wearing and thinks she’s beautiful, great start and they haven’t even gotten off the ground yet. Although I’m not sure what her clothes has to do with her beauty?
He likes that she’s strong, confident and comfortable in herself.
I can’t help but wonder just how much private time they get with a cameraman and the balloon pilot in the tiny basket, not surprisingly we see a lot of their backs.
He brings up that he’s seen the looks she’s sent his way; to let him know she’s interested and a little jealous(?) of the other girls.
On the date Snezanna asks a couple of great questions, first being how long its been since his last relationship. He replies with it being 3-4 years of dating but not quite finding the connection. So now you know what it takes to get on the show guys.
Snezanna share with the camera that she has NEVER been on a date like that before. OK So this is where I get the most passionate about the show.
NOBODY has been on dates like these, here’s why. It takes a team to
Decide on the location
Isolate the traffic and pedestrians
Get you both dressed appropriately
Have food, champagne and cushions waiting and be guarded by a security team until you rock up
The cost alone
Knowing how to set it up and where to go for the ‘stuff’
This is why there are services like Kismet Romance to set these things up, most guys can’t do this on their own for a proposal let alone a date.
Anyhoo back at the completely deserted winery (well except for the camera crew and the camera drones) Sam asks how she’s feeling about being away from her daughter. She answers honestly and then throws a question back at him about his thoughts of her having a daughter. He also answers honestly that he wants to take his time to fully consider any decision.
Having got the elephant out of the way, later at a picnic set she shares that her name is actually ‘Snow White’, which leads to the first pash of the season. She nearly missed it though.
He then says he’s going to get something and issues her with a rose halfway through the date. Good work Snezanna. No tongues though – that they showed on the camera.
At the end of the date he advises the camera that he wants to get her know better.
When she returns to the house Madeline has the reality that she didn’t get a rose.
Back to the house and the roaring 20’s is the cocktail party theme. I love that Sam specifically seeks out time with his favorites. Joni looking amazing is very attentive when Sam turns up and scores her some 1:1 time, this is important to note for later.
He clears up his frustration of giving Heather a white rose so early, meaning he feels he cant ask her out until she asks him out. Its kinda cute. He’s basically begged her to set the date up. There’s a novelty ladies.
She also mentions that its hard for her watching him go on dates with the other girls. I guess we’ll see some superhero action history in the next few days.
The usual, 'wow what does he see in Heather conversation goes on again'.
Sarah also gets some 1:1 time which gets completely crashed by Sandra. I REALLY rate Sam checking with Sarah if she was ok with the interruption. I’m not even going to go into the awkwardness of that little scenario.
The roses are issued in the following order, Sarah, Joni (?), Emily, Heather, Jacinda, Bec, Rachael, Nina, Jasmin, Sandra (WTF), Ebru, Laura.
A nice touch at the end when Sam actually walks her outside to say goodbye, haven’t seen him do that with the previous departures. This guy is a gentleman. Hearts are going to break.
I tried not to see the trailer for the next eposidoe but definitely saw some interesting coloured lycra. It’ll be a funny one.
My observations
Emily has some strong opinions.
Sandra is still well… Sandra.
Sam has a great stylist.
The girls wear false eyelashes all the time.
The girls form bonds into 2 groups, the fans of Heather and the fans of Emily.
We still haven’t met or heard from a few of the ladies yet mainly Rachael, Nina, Laura.
There are some great scene setters on the show who are really good at setting up romantic picnics.
There are product placements and great champagne available everywhere.
That the girls honestly think Sam has arranged the dates…
Some girls are getting ants in their pants about Heather’s ‘friendship’ and what that must mean about Sam.
What on earth do they do in the house all week, it would drive me insane hanging out with a bunch of women all competing for a date.
The favourite’s seem to get ‘better’ dresses.
My vote to leave next time
Sandra or Laura.
My vote for next solo date
Heather using her rose; and either
Emily or Joni (not sure he she managed to get voted 2nd – they’ve kept something from us)
have to save wow to Snezanna's dress... seriously, it's unnatural to go on dates like this!!