Ep 8 - Its Game on Emily v's Nina
Sam shares that he wants a girl that’s not just great in short bursts but for the rest of his life. Don’t we all my dear, don’t we all.
The group date is announced
(Leaving Snez, Ebru and Sarah at home to keep house. Ahuh)
Its Grand Prix and it turns out Nina is a rev head so she’s about to have her dream date.
Emily states to the camera that
Nina is a bit crass
Nobody is a threat to Emily in the race
Lets hope that she (Nina) chokes.
I just want to beat Nina, that’s all that matters to me.
That surprising, didn’t think it would be Emily’s thing. Game on!
The normal dodgem car bumps and bangs are dramatized and exaggerated (the word vicious is used by Bec), its pretty much how you expect a go kart race to go. The carts have the girls faces on the backs, so its pretty much encouraged to be ahem ‘strategically vicious’? Yawn.
Of course the competion between Nina and Emily is drawn out with the voice overs and I think due to Emily being lighter and perhaps even a decent kart driver wins and pulls into the pit lane.
Nina who was 7 seconds behind (I mean it such a massive victory – not) that she thinks she’s won, but oh O, no Emily wins leaving her even more smug about the victory. It would have been funny if they penalized Emily for not doing the slow down victory lap. Emily says to the camera that Nina came across as a gracious looser, but deep down she was probably mortified. These are the types of comments you should keep to yourself honey.
There is some quiet time for Emily with Sam, where a rather awkward conversation takes place.
He asks how the girls took to her receiving the Bracelet she replies that “the look on their face was priceless”, he looks disappointed or upset by that.
He then asks how she found today and she states she’s just so happy to have beaten Nina in the race. Poor Nina says Sam, but im sure she’ll be ok, im sure she’s celebrating, Emily then drops I’m sure she’s licking her wounds, which hits a nerve with Sam and he asks, if Emily doesn’t like her very much.
There are other girls that I connect with better she says. His voice over says “I really like Nina, so I don’t really know what to think”.
He then shares with Emily that he’s worried about Nina as this was her thing. Oh well says Emily, you win some you lose some. Then he says “I’m just not sure how much Emily and I have in common” to the camera. I don’t think she will last much longer.
The weeks single date is announced that Snezanna is going on an Italian Beautiful Life date.
Naturally the fact that she gets a 2nd date when some of the others haven’t had a first date receives interesting looks from the others.
Looking decidedly dapper when he arrives in a beautiful vintage boat La Dolce Vita, he is straight into her arms and they have a VERY tender greeting. He looked genuinely excited to see her. They have a pretty good kiss and moment before clambering aboard. His arm is straight around her and they cuddle closely the whole way.
The do fit together really well and are a really good looking couple.
To a private jetty where an amazingly extravagant set up of flowers and produce is laid out for them to make their own pizza’s. (I'm guessing the set team are back from their beach vacation). Produce placement doesn’t help them make a pizza that is actually going to cook but anyway. The food preparations are flirty enough, im feeling a similar freidnship bond as Heather.
Snez asks why he picked her for a 2nd date. “I couldn’t wait to see you again’. She’s sexy and sophisticated and he thought she’d appreciate the European style date.
A life with Snez could be the sweet life says Sam to the camera back on the single date.
Back at the house and Nina blabs about the pash between Snez and Sam on the previous group date. Whether it was deliberate or not, I’m seeing a different side to her which isn’t as appealing as previously. Funnily Heather actually supports Snez getting a pash “get some in” she says. This is interesting coz we haven’t seen them pash yet, perhaps they have but it’s not been screened.
On the single date finally some serious conversation takes places. Snez asks straight out, have you thought about having a life with me? He honestly replies “I hadn’t thought that the girl I might click with might be a mum. But im really open minded about it, and on the last date I got to know you as a mum and it didn’t scare me off at all. He then asks her, can you see us being together.
She replies that him having a business and own life is a positive point as it lets her be a mum and focus on her child, both being busy works for her. Oh and he works with children. They both see possibilities.
He then tells her that they way she looks at him with the other girls is significantly different from the looks they share when they are in each others company.
He likes that she is comfortable in her own skin, they share that him being able to make her smile makes him feel great – this is moving away from the physical/sexual connection.
The more I get to know her the more fantastic she is. He ‘apparently’ had commissioned that she is a Star Wars fan so asks for a special dessert to be created. When he gives her the rose they share some kisses which are not as toungie as I would have personally made use of… But she did still have some ice-cream dessert in her mouth.
Back to the house and the girls seem to have divided into 2 cliques.
Emily, Bec and Ebru
All the others.
Again interestingly about Heather, she seems genuinely happy for Snez when she returns with the rose.
When Heather has some 1:1 time at the cocktail party we don’t see the intimacy between Heather and Sam when they had their chat, perhaps Snez has taken up pole position.
At the embarrassingly school like ‘rose ceremony’ Snez has the rose from their week, and are confirmed to continue their journey in this order.
Heather – didn’t believe the hug he gives her
Nina is rough round the edge
Poor Rachael didn’t even get beyond a group date.
Guys out there, she is a keeper, look her up!