Ep 14 - Hometown eviction
So for this last 2nd last blog I’m going to take a coaching perspective. If I’d been given the same amount of insight from my clients as...
Ep13 - Final 5 have a day at the beach (house)
​ He has to choose which 4 families he wants to meet. But don’t worry Sam its been harder for Nina than for Lana. She knows your pain....
Ep12 - Rachel v's Sarah
The show starts with him going for a paddle, not sure why – maybe to show his abs are through effort? The golden envelope clue for the...
Ep 11 - Sam's first freak out
We’re told that Ebru was always first to have breakfast and she’s now missed. Its weird how a little while ago they were all struggling...
Ep 10 Lana is kept in the dark, sweet times for Heather
"I definitely think it will cause some dramas if one of the new girls gets a date ahead of us." says Nina. There was some spark between...
Ep 9 - The Big walk out / walk in episode
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Ep 8 - Its Game on Emily v's Nina
Sam shares that he wants a girl that’s not just great in short bursts but for the rest of his life. Don’t we all my dear, don’t we all....
Bracelet Alert & General update
Research tells us that. The show finished filming 5 months ago - so was completed around March 2015. ************************************...
Ep 7 Look out for the Kiss with the Brunette...
We start this week episode by being told there are only 3 girls left in each bedroom. Oh no, does that mean they are running out of...
Ep 6 - Groundhog drama
We hear how Sam plans to shake things up whilst he does his work out. I guess they were short of footage? ~ (Ebru discretly looks away...