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The problem with The Bachelor dates

Ok I’ll point out the obvious, I don’t think anybody should be going on a first date as extravagant as any of the bachelor dates. Firstly they’re insanely expensive and are funded by huge marketing budgets – that doesn’t make them any less enjoyable or awesome for the ladies. BUT

Its setting up a standard of expectation from women all around the country to WANT that type of experience and it’s just not viable or reasonable for 95% of the population. AND why would he invest such expense into a first date, its risky as hell.

What if it turns out you don’t actually like one another after an hour away from the hype of the house and cameras. What if you’re sea sick – although the producers would have loved that too.

So whilst I am also reveling in the gorgeousness of the activity – ladies, I beg of you… NO, implore you, Please keep in mind that this is a REALITY TV show, which means everything is dramatized making it difficult, particularly for Sam Woods to work out what he’s feeling.

These dates are good for ratings and NO GOOD at all for us folks that wouldn’t dream of putting ourselves onto national TV to get a perspective of how dating works in the real world.

In fact some of those dates are a stretch for a marriage proposal for the average guy, but perhaps it can give you some inspiration (and insight) to what makes females swoon.

Lets remember that these types of dates would be much better spent with somebody we love and are really into rather than the first time they’ve spent no more than 10 minutes together (with a bunch of others interrupting the moment).

I’m sure many other observations will arise from the show that I’ll have an opinion on. Let me know what you think of an aspect of the show.

Please share and comment to open the discussion up with others.

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